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Prepared Guitar: Theory, Practice, Improvisation with Nilan Perera
Space is limited. To reserve & for more information contact [email protected]
Prepared guitar indicates the physical alteration of an electric (and sometimes acoustic) guitar to create new and interesting sounds without the use of pedals and electronics. In this 4-week course, you’ll have a hands-on experience discovering how to prepare your guitar, and will explore various techniques of prepared guitar performance, method, and improvisation.
* Bring an electric guitar and amplifier. Materials to prepare the instrument will be supplied.
Nilan has been active locally, nationally and internationally for 35 years as a musician/composer/improviser, journalist, organizer/activist (in musician and media circles), conceptualist, zen buddhist and visual artist. He’s played with the famous, not famous and infamous, ran activist radio stations, and organized musicians collectives.